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Brad Paisley med ny musikk!

Denne artikkelen er over ett år gammel, og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Denne uken ble det kjent at Brad Paisley bytter plateselskap fra ARISTA Nashville der han har vært i over 20 år. Nye avtale er signert med EMI Records sin Nashville-avdeling.

Med sine tre Grammy Awards, 2 American Music Awards, 15 Academy of Country Music Awards og 14 CMA Awards er Brad Paisley et ikon og en av countrymusikkens mest kjente og premierte artister.

Brad Paisley jobber også med et nytt studioalbum (tittel: «Son of the Mountains») som forventes utgitt senere i år. I dag, 24. februar, slipper Paisley en smakebit fra det nye albumet med singelen «Same Here». På slutten av videoen hører man også Brad snakke med Ukraina sin President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=»» align=»center»][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][penci_text_block block_title_align=»style-title-left»]«Same Here»
(feat. President Volodymyr Zelenskyj)

How are things in California
I hear the traffic’s just insane
Plastic people and paparazzi
Yeah, I know all the left coast clichés
But tell me, is there a bar on your corner
Where you buy each other beers
And solve all the world’s problems
Same here

We went out to watch the sunset
On our last night in Cozumel
Stumbled on some local wedding
On the beach by our hotel
Though I didn’t know the language
I recognize the tears
People cry when they’re happy
Same here

However you talk, whatever you think
From the songs that you sing to the drink that you drink
If you miss your mama and worry ’bout your babies
And love each other like crazy
And want someone to share your hopes and fears
Same here

I’ve got a friend across the ocean
Seems like a million miles away
He says our worlds are very different
Yeah, that’s true, but I gotta say
He’s got his own kind of football team that
Let’s him down every year
A wife he loves and a bunch of dreams
For his country he holds so dear
He prays for peace and freedom
Same here

– Hi, Brad
– Hello, Mr. President
– Hi, glad to see you
– What’s «Same here» in Ukrainian?
– «Так само». We speak different languages in our life. Yes, but I think we appreciate the same things – children, freedom, our flag, our soldiers, our people. The biggest treasure we have. And friends. And we’re proud of our army who defends our freedom and will defend our lives.

However you talk, whatever you think
From the songs that you sing to the drink that you drink
(We’re fighting for our children, our parents to defend our houses and families)
And love each other like crazy
And want someone to share your hopes and fears
(Так само. There’s no distance between our countries in such values. That is very important to see that they are really in many, in many things really the same.)[/penci_text_block][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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