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Nytt album fra Sammy Kershaw

Denne artikkelen er over ett år gammel, og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon.

Sammy Kershaw har nå, 20 år etter sin første #1-hit spilt inn mange av sine hits på nytt. Albumet «Big Hits: volume 1» slippes 11 november.
På albumet finner vi 10 hits, pluss to nye sanger. Av de gode gamle kan vi nevne «She Don`t Know She`s Beatiful», «Cadillac Style» og «Queen of My Doublewide Trailer»

«It felt good to go back into the studio and rerecord some of my hits,» forteller Kershaw. «The technology we have in the music business now makes them sound much more fresh and updated, but the heart and soul is still there in every song.»

Kershaw forteller videre, «I’ve been listening to a batch of songs for about a year and finally narrowed it down to a few I thought were good for this album. The Middle is all about falling in love with your girl out in the middle of the country, and Can’t Put My Finger On It is a little edgy, but it’s a great singalong, and I think folks will really like it.»

Sangene på albumet:
1. Don’t Go Near The Water
2. She Don’t Know She’s Beautiful
3. Yard Sale
4. Vidalia
5. Haunted Heart
6. The Middle
7. Cadillac Style
8. Love Of My Life
9. Third Rate Romance
10. Louisiana Hot Sauce
11. Queen Of My Doublewide Trailer
12. Can’t Put My Finger On It

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