Pistol Annies er en fantastisk trio startet av ingen ringere en Miranda Lambert sammen med Ashley Monroe og Angaleena Presley. Trioen ga ut sitt debutalbum Hell on Heels i August 2011, og de vant nylig prisen «Breakthrough Video of the Year» for deres første singel, «Hell On Heels» under CMT Awards i Nashville nå i Juni.
Nå er trioen klar med ny singel og ny video fra debutalbumet. Denne gangen får vi servert «Takin’ Pills«. En helt fantastisk låt med heftig tekst som jeg fikk oppleve bandet spille LIVE under CMA Music Festival i Nashville nå i juni. Bare hør her: (se videoen lenger ned)
She’s on the highest dose of prozac a woman can take,
She’s likes to pop her pain pills with every little ache,
She’s got a Tennessee mountain point of view,
If your gonna have one might as well have twoRaised up right in the hills of Kentucky,
No she ain’t gonna smile til she lights up her lucky,
No filter on her mouth or her cigerettes
Oh baby what your lookin’ at is what you getYa we owe 400 dollars to the boys in the band
Gas lights blinking on our broke down van
We’re living on truck stop burgers and fries
Crossing our fingers for a vacancy sign
Now who in the hell is gonna pay these bills
When one’s drinking, ones smoking, ones taking pillsShe’s a root tootin’ pistol from the lonestar state
She’s mixes up a double at the break of everyday
She might get crazy but she don’t get mean
Until some drunk cowboy asks her to singYa we owe 400 dollars to the boys in the band
Gas lights blinking on our broke down van
We’re living on truck stop burgers and fries
Crossing our fingers for a vacancy sign
Now who in the hell is gonna pay these bills
When one’s drinking, one’s smoking, one’s taking pillsNow we ain’t ashamed of who we are
We like fast men and cheap guitars
Ain’t trying to get rich just trying to get by
By playing for tips on a saturday nightWe owe 400 dollars to the boys in the band
Gas lights blinking on our broke down van
We’re living on truck stop burgers and fries
Crossing our fingers for a vacancy sign
Now who in the hell is gnona be pay these bills
When one’s drinking, one’s smoking, one’s taking pills
[sws_blue_box box_size=»600″] Kjøp albumet «Hell On Heels» hos CDON i Norge – Sverige – Danmark [/sws_blue_box]