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George Strait – Kicked Outta Country

Kicked Outta Country
Denne artikkelen er over ett år gammel, og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon.

George Strait har nylig kommet ut med en samleboks som har fått tittelen «Strait Out of the Box: Part 2«. Innholdet er tidligere hits og klassikere, samt to helt nye låter.

Dessverre for oss nordboere så blir samleboksen kun solgt via amerikanske Walmart, men du får i alle fall høre en av de nye låtene her:


Låta «Kicked Outta Country» er forøvrig skrevet sammen med Jamey Johnson…

Tekst – Kicked Outta Country:

I just got the news today, the record I sent them they threw it away
It don’t fit the format, don’t make the list
They said I’m too old, won’t even be missed

It happened to Jones, and even The Hag
Willie and Waylon, and the great Johnny Cash
They all got kicked outta country back then
But then one day country came calling again

Cash stomped out the footlights
Haggard, he had a ball
And Willie and Waylon, they stole the nation
And Jones never showed up at all

They lived what the wrote, and wrote what they sang
So getting kicked outta country didn’t hurt a thing
Getting kicked outta country didn’t hurt a thing

I just wrote a new song today
I pulled out my old guitar, and I started to play
Pressing my fingers into the strings
I felt the feeling a country song brings

I did some Jones, and one for The Hag
Waylon and Willie, and the great Johnny Cash
They all got kicked outta country back then
But then one day country came calling again

Cash stomped out the footlights
Haggard, he had a ball
And Willie and Waylon, they stole the nation
And Jones showed up after all

They lived what the wrote, and wrote what they sang
So getting kicked outta country didn’t hurt a thing
Getting kicked outta country didn’t hurt a thing

It don’t really matter, because I ain’t gonna change
Cause getting kicked outta country, won’t hurt a thing

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